Surviving A Sociopath

Check out this amazing WordPress Blog!

In her posts she shares her wealth of knowledge about the pathology of romantic relationships with those presenting sociopath, psychopath and narcissist behaviors.

Image result for two faces of the sociopath

Here’s the link to one of her particularly insightful posts.

Posted on April 14, 2016 in sociopath.


Trust Your GUT

You know that bad feeling you have about someone?
There’s something that doesn’t make sense,  but  you just can’t seem to put your finger on it.
Trust your hunch

You get a sick sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that the person you trust the most is not telling you the truth?  You actually feel  guilty because you don’t have any evidence other than what you KNOW in your gut.
Your GUT feeling, your hunch, your instinct – is your internal safety mechanism kicking into action. It warns you of potential danger and raises your suspicion so you will take a step back, look closer and stay safe. Trust yourself, your instinct will never steer you wrong.

I ignored my internal warning signs for years. I believed lies and not the blaring alarms that were warning me of danger. I believed I could save, rescue, heal someone outside of myself because my love was strong enough to conquer his demons. I fell for the long con, the sob stories, the excuses he had for his bad behavior. Over the years, ignoring my internal safety feature slowly diminished my ability to detect danger.  My alert system malfunctioned. I lost myself, my overall well-being and eventually my financial stability. This is the relational harm that results from being in pathological relationship with a sociopath.

Eventually, I rebuilt my self-love and my self-trust. I started by believing the ACTIONS I saw with my own eyes instead of the pathological lies he wore as a mask. I realized that the sociopath could lie with a straight face and apologize with forced tears. He could look me in the eye and tell me a different version of events for incidents that I had actually been present for! I called him out on his crap and kicked him out of my life for good.

LOVE yourself,  trust yourself, keep yourself safe! Break the toxic bond that imprisons you and find your

Click the Information & Resources page for good information on the relational harm of pathological relationships and healing in the aftermath of the same.

2013 Winner!!

I just WON NaNoWriMo 2013 by completing the rough draft of my first novel using 50,000 words or more in less than 30 days!

I want to do this all over again in the month of December! – said no one, ever!!

Simultaneously experiencing a deep sense of achievement and overwhelming exhaustion – need some hibernation time before starting revisions. Yay-Ugh! SAID I.

5000 Words Away

I’m proudly participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) 2013.
This masterfully creative, brain busting, energy draining, incredibly ridiculous challenge of craft and wits ends on 11/30/13! The goal has been to complete a 50,000 word rough draft in thirty days.

Today, I’m just 5000 words away from completing the first rough draft of my very first novel. Send me some big up’s, pep talks, and you can do it’s, if you so incline. Otherwise, I’ll just keep at it.

Follow Your Dream

Starting this blog was the first step towards my dream of living my life more creatively. It has brought me a bit closer to my dream of being the writer that shares what I have with the world directly from my heart. Blogging has pushed me along on this journey. It has taught me commitment to deadline, I’ve learned some HTML and how to face the fear of being vulnerable by giving the world a little peek at who I really am.

Opportunities for improving my skill level and developing my ideas for creative writing projects have landed in my lap. Bam! Through a series of ongoing serendipitous events I’ve come to fully accept that I love writing fiction. I’ve embraced the lifelong learner model by enrolling in MOOC’s (massive open online courses) that will enhance my ability to craft the stories that I have to tell. I’ve committed to the process of fully recovering my personal creativity and integrating it fully into my life so that I can authentically be my full self. Now I pursue my dream on a larger scale.

The Mother Root Blog will be on hiatus while I dig deeper, work harder, face the terrifying and exhilarating adventure of turning my dreams into reality.  I share how I’m doing my first courageous steps below. This is working for me and every step has miraculously led to another.  Check them out for yourself. See if there is anything offered that will urge you to follow your dreams. Live your life fully being who YOU are and doing what YOU love. Never be content with anything less than pure bliss.

Until we meet again, with ♥♥♥ and faith, Mother Root

The Artist’s Way: Spiritual Recovery of Creativity” is a 12 week course by Julie Cameron that guides the reader along a spiritual path towards greater creativity. currently offers 434 free courses in every imaginable area of study. I’ve signed up for the 7 week course – “Comic Books and Graphic Novels” to learn about the power of integrating story and art so I can apply it to the graphic novel project I am working on. offers both free and paid courses in everything from programming to photography to design to yoga and more!
“There is no escape from the dream. It lingers when I wake, intrudes my thoughts without warning or permission,  won’t let me sleep without telling me all my stories.
                                                           ~Mother Root